Tuesday, December 14, 2010

• Law of Attraction in a Nutshell

OK, let's go back to square one for a minute, just 'cuz I wanna.

Law of Attraction. LoA. Like attracts like.

If you WANT something, you first need to BE the something that you want in your energetic field by FEELING  it already being there..

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If you want to BE rich, first you need to FEEL rich.

Then, take action.

Voila - the money flows in.

No big whoop. Just - there it is! Yay.

- - - 

If you want to GO TO THE STORE, first FEEL that you're going to the store.

Then take action.

Voila - you end up at the store.

No big whoop. Just - there you are! Yay.

- - - 

That's the lesson for today, folks! Enjoy and have a nice flight.

~  ~  ~

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