Thursday, February 3, 2011

• Lucky Numbers

I have been reading and hearing about numbers lately - how different numbers represent messages from your angels, etc.

This isn't really a blazing new concept to me because I've always been kind of fascinated with numbers and number patterns. I'll give you the best example of this: When I was a kid, maybe between the ages of 5 and 8, I had this great little habit: Whenever I saw a time pattern number on the clock at home, I had to celebrate it by jumping up and down while turning in circles, and repeating whatever it was - for example, "10:10 exactly! 10:10 exactly!" - over and over, until the time changed. I'm not kidding. I *had* to do this. I have no idea where this came from.

Fast forward to last week, when I was reminded about Angel Numbers on Doreen Virtue's weekly Hay House radio show. I didn't consciously decide to pay attention, but I began to see a couple things here and there.

Driving down the highway last Friday on empty, for example, with three little kids in the car, and the "Miles Left till Empty" meter reading "0", I figured I'd ask my angels for help in making sure I get to the gas station OK. A few minutes later, my eyes jump to the odometer (which, honestly, I never pay attention to) and I see a series of 7's: 7777. And I *know* it's the angels talking.

Sure enough, I check it when I get home, and according to "The quadruple number sequences are used by our angels to communicate messages to us... The 7777 number sequence when seen repeatedly signifies travel."

Ha ha ha!!!!

Ok ok, so I'm sitting up and taking notice.

Later on that night, when I'm dealing with emotional issues, I look up 7777 again, and I find: "The 7777 number is an extremely positive sign and means that you should also expect more miracles to occur for you."

A couple days later, I start seeing 11:11 frequently - three times in about a day and a half. Again, enough that I have to sit up and take notice.

I didn't look it up right away, but today, reading an online group that - mind you - does NOT focus specifically on angel numbers (but focuses more on LoA and family topics), I see a post specifically asking about LoA and the meaning of the number 1. And, more specifically, the person posting has been seeing 11:11 frequently. The meaning she has found attached to it is that NOW is the time for your enlightenment. Ok, ok, again, point taken. Time to consider the meaning of 11:11 and ALSO time to post here about it. It's all part of my journey to enlightenment, higher consciousness, etc.

P.S. Shortly before posting this entry, I got an e-mail with a bunch of pics in it; they were all too wide to see completely in the software I use to view my email attachments, so I just scrolled down quickly, glancing at parts of each photo, and sure enough -- out jumped 1111 at me again, this time from a license plate in the photo! Yee haw.

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