Friday, December 31, 2010

• Ending 2010 on a High Note

Among all this discussion on raising my vibration, it was most interesting to stumble across this video on a "child" who raised his own vibration by entering into a years' long meditation. The video starts here and has 5 parts:

THIS is raising your vibration to the nth degree!! Wow. Definitely something to really consider as we enter 2011 and a new year with new goals and intentions.

Happy new year everyone! I'm off now to celebrate 2011! Peace out.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

• O Angel! My Angel!

A friend came by to visit this evening after an interesting twist of events set it up so that she needed to pick up something from me, that wasn't available anywhere else.

My friend brought with her Angel cards, as she's recently started working with her angels on a regular basis - asking them questions, feeling their answers, seeking clarity, requesting assistance, and so on - and uses the cards as a tool to help them communicate with her. She let me look through all the cards and accompanying book, and they definitely called to me.

I've talked with my angels a little bit here and there. On some things, I can get answers from them relatively easily via inner guidance. But lately, I've been feeling the nudge to "ask more! ... ask more!" Like most beings in the non-physical, you don't get much assistance if you don't ask!! With feeling, of course - but ask nonetheless!

In this same vein, a few months ago, I started listening to Doreen Virtue's weekly show, Angel Therapy, on Of all the shows on the radio station, her show is the one that I never miss. Something inside keeps nudging me over to the angels... As I sit here and write this now, I realize how plain obvious it is that I need to start talking to them more (and probably get myself a deck of Angel cards to better communicate their messages).

I mean, let's see.... I've been inexplicably drawn to the Angel Therapy radio show for months now; I had a random, "unexpected" Angel card reading a couple weeks ago that reflected my true nature to an absolute T; then odd circumstances brought my friend by with her Angel cards tonight; I've been thinking a lot about angels lately, and have already started journaling my questions to them and even some of their answers. So OK, OK, I get the message. Ramp it up a notch on the Angel Communication front.

Alright, I'm off to go check out some Angel cards on Really, I want to get my butt into a bookstore though so I can hold each deck in my hands and really *feel* what I'm choosing. Angels, can you arrange something like that for me in the near future? Like, tomorrow? Thanks much! xoxox

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Monday, December 27, 2010

• Dreaming in Ho'oponopono

I'm back in ho'oponopono land, reading "Zero Limits" and applying it to my life. I read it last night before going to sleep, and I swear, I dreamed in ho'oponopono, repeating the phrases through the night.

In conjunction with all the personal-growth steps I'm already taking, I am going to use ho'oponopono daily as well. This means that whenever a negative pattern or emotion shows up, my focus is to start cleaning it by repeating, "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you" in whatever order I need, as often as I need, until I feel like stopping or (more likely) am interrupted and distracted.

I find that the more I say these phrases, the more I *feel* them, and that is where the healing and cleaning take place. They key is that I need to do this A LOT, with a great deal of Attention, Energy and Focus, and in joy and peace as well.

Dr. Ihaleakalah Hew Len, who is Joe Vitale's key resource for ho'oponopono and co-author of "Zero Limits," spent four years doing ho'oponopono in order to clean all the negativity at the mental ward that he was focusing his energy on. It worked, but it took CLEAR INTENT and FOCUS.

I can't sit for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and focus as intently as Dr. Hew Len did, but I can keep at it constantly until my own negativity clears and allows the divine to flow through again. I don't know how long it will take, but it'll be done that much sooner because I'm starting right NOW.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

• Using LoA to Win the Lottery

This is an AWESOME story about someone who used LoA to win exactly the amount she wanted in the lottery. She had a clear vision, a clear plan, and simply knew it would happen. This is a TRUE story. I'm quoting from

Like many people, Cynthia Stafford dreamed of winning the lottery.

Unlike the others, Stafford's dreams came true.

In May 2007, Stafford won $112 million playing Lotto, but what is most amazing is that she'd been planning the big win for a while and even had a written strategy.

As a firm believer in the power of visualization and meditation techniques, Stafford had been envisioning that she'd win $112 million. She had been visualizing this goal for four months.

"I had been planning ahead by looking at the house I was going to move into, the cars I was going to drive and the charities I was going to donate to," Stafford told AOL News. "I wrote everything down, like a businessman writes a business plan, and I'd look at the list and focus on it."

Check the whole article out here:

I just think this is friggin' awesome. I have a few notes jotted down about things I want to accomplish or acquire, but I see now the focus that each items needs in order to manifest. I'm all over this idea now....

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• Ye Olde True Meaning of Christmas

A day after Christmas, it's nice to reflect back.

First off, I don't "celebrate" Christmas - I was raised in the Jewish faith, with a pretty good New Age spiritual background as well. So the holiday to me isn't at all about Santa or Christmas tree ornaments or stockings. But it still has a special place in my heart - that whole "reason for the season" bit.

It seems like at Christmas time, many people suspend much of their anger, frustration, resentment, resistance and other negative feelings for at least a short while - if only for a few hours in the midst of Christmas day, when all the errands are done, the dinner is eaten, and so many on this planet are just relaxing. The stores are closed; the streets are quiet; and if you do cross paths with a service worker who is on for the holiday shift, he or she will most likely greet you with a *genuine* smile, with true happiness, kindness and charity, because - well, because it's Christmas.

Not because it's Jesus' birthday (or not, I can't remember the accurate story), or because Santa brought her a new digital camera that she's always wanted, or because ole Grampa Jones is around one more year to ring in the Yuletide. But because we allow all those THINGS to serve us as EXCUSES TO FEEL GOOD! It's become socially acceptable in Western culture to suspend negative feelings on Christmas day and find lots of exuses to feel good, to do good, and to share the goodness with all we come in contact with. On other days, hell, it's socially acceptable to give someone the bird when they steal your parking spot. But on Christmas Day... well, we'd probably at least think twice.

So I love Christmas so much simply because it offers so many people in our society lots of reasons to align with their own inner God-ness and love, and to share it freely with others. The goodness always comes from within, but if we "need" a Christmas holiday to make it OK to let that goodness out, then so be it.

Now if we make every day as sacred as Christmas day, how would our world look?

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Friday, December 24, 2010

• Focusing on Astral Projection

I came across this little blog post tidbit today: Is Low Blood Pressure Linked to Astral Projection Ability?

It's rather interesting that a) I've always had low blood pressure, naturally, and b) yesterday at Walmart with the kids, I randomly used the blood pressure monitor machine there (however accurate it really is) - which I haven't done in, I dunno, one, two years? - and my reading was 97 over 47. (Very low, I believe.)

Then today I stumble across that blog entry as I've been lately pondering focusing more on actively practicing astral projection.  Really what I'd like to do is set up a meditation area and practice deliberate, focused, uninterrupted meditation once a day, for maybe 15 to 30 minutes.

At any rate - really I just wanted to share the neat synchronicity of my checking my blood pressure and the blog post I came across. Hmmmmm it must be a sign. I mean, isn't it always a sign? :)

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

• Beautiful Winter Nights

What a beautiful past couple of nights we've had.

Last night was the lunar eclipse. It wasn't visible here due to clouds, but I nevertheless woke up a couple times in the night to go walk outside and just *be* in the dimness created by the Earth's shadow over the beautiful full moon. In between my ventures, I had several very vivid dreams about the eclipse and seeing it, and I focused on the *feeling* of it, since it wasn't there for me to lay my eyes upon. It was very soothing. At the time, I was cuddled up with my 15-month-old son as well (who co-sleeps next to me most of every night) and just felt so much comfort, warmth and cleansing from the eclipse of the moon. It was a wonderful feeling.

Tonight, I ventured out into the woods for my eldest son's Hanukkah-Christmas-Solstice holiday choral concert at his school. He attends an amazing private school with 8 other kids in Grades 1 through 3. The classroom is like an A-frame barn, and is located, basically, on a homestead. The teachers are a married couple that lives in the modern-built 18th-century-style farmhouse attached to the school room. So it only made sense that such a beautiful school would invite its families to hear the children sing in the woods, down a long and windy trail, lit only by the candlelight and moonlight on the night of the Solstice and, coincidentally, the (nearly) full moon.

I'm such a warm-weather person that I don't get out into the woods during winter as often as my body and soul need to. Here's a pledge, right now, that I will get out into the woods for, oh, an hour or so, at least one time every week this winter.I'll post about it here. Nature is just as much a part of my ascension process as any New Age book, meditation, or other spiritual practice.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

• Energetic Healing

I've always been attracted to the healing arts - that is, alternative healing methods, energetic healing, etc., so I've listened to a few Abraham-Hicks youtubes on "healing" and am intrigued. All "illness," Abraham states, is a manifestation of some aspect of yourself that is not in alignment with Who You Truly Are. To elaborate on this idea:

Here's an example from one of the videos: A man has a disease we label Parkinson's. Abraham asks him (and I'm paraphrasing here): "What are the symptoms?"

"Shaking hand, weakness."

"How do the symptoms make you feel?"

"Insecure, unable to communicate clearly, unstable."

"Now go back and see what is was you had going on in your life before this illness that made you feel insecure, unable to communicate clearly, and unstable. That's the cause of this illness - the feelings behind the life situation."

An exact quote from Abraham on this puts it all succinctly:

"What was in your face that trained you into that vibration? ... What was it that you were observing that trained you into the vibration that later gave you the indication [i.e. physical manifestation of an illness]? So, somewhere, you got a vibration going on, and then you get a manifestation [in this case, illness] to match it."

OK - so great you think: I have identified the emotions attached to my illness; I have located the source of where they have come from; now what?

Now it's time to come into alignment. Start choosing better-feeling thoughts about the situation that has brought about the uncomfortable feelings. Expand into a new place where you are again in alignment with yourself. Be truly happy and in alignment and the symptoms and illness will disappear.

Appreciate what Is. Appreciate the clarity that this whole situation has brought to you.

From Abraham: Say to yourself, "I had to have something big and cataclysmic to bring me to a point of clarity. But now I have clarity."

The original youtube videos on this are here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

• Law of Attraction in a Nutshell

OK, let's go back to square one for a minute, just 'cuz I wanna.

Law of Attraction. LoA. Like attracts like.

If you WANT something, you first need to BE the something that you want in your energetic field by FEELING  it already being there..

- - -

If you want to BE rich, first you need to FEEL rich.

Then, take action.

Voila - the money flows in.

No big whoop. Just - there it is! Yay.

- - - 

If you want to GO TO THE STORE, first FEEL that you're going to the store.

Then take action.

Voila - you end up at the store.

No big whoop. Just - there you are! Yay.

- - - 

That's the lesson for today, folks! Enjoy and have a nice flight.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

• Your Problem is Truly My Problem

There's a spirituality group that gets together once or twice a month - conveniently in my town - that I attend as often as possible. We had a meeting today, and shared many of our experiences, ideas, questions, feelings and simple love and joy. I always come out of the gatherings with some new idea that I want to explore more deeply.

Today, after our get-together, I was inspired to pick up Joe Vitale's book, "Zero Limits." I read the first few pages, where he discusses the clearing technique called Ho'oponopono. Ho'oponopono is basically repeating four phrases over and over again - either out loud, or silently - to clear out negative energy and let the divine in. The four phrases are:

  • I'm sorry
  • Please forgive me.
  • Thank you.
  • I love you.
This ho'oponopono is not new to me, but as I was reading about it in "Zero Limits," this evening, the author mentioned something that I had kinda forgotten: Ho'oponopono is used by therapists to heal clients. But the key to it working is the therapist understanding that he/she is JUST AS RESPONSIBLE for the client's negative thoughts as the client is.

Specifically, on page 6, it states: "the therapist must be willing to be 100 percent responsible for having created the problem situation; that is, he must be willing to see that the source of the problem is erroneous thoughts within him, not within the client. .. Being 100 percent responsible for actualizing the problem allows the therapist to be 100 percent responsible for resolving it."

I knew this before, but re-reading it just has brought it to the forefront of my mind. I've heard myself thinking too many blaming/negative thoughts lately, and though I'm aware, they still keep popping up. Checking in with "Zero Limits" is kind of a like a stick poking me to be that much more aware, and has inspired me to really keep shifting my thoughts from anything negative to the four ho'oponopono phrases as a way of stepping backs; clearing the negative energy; and then allowing the divine love and energy to come in and transmute all.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

• Rampage of Appreciation No. 1

  • My delicious, warm, homemade looseleaf tea from the plethora of delicious dried herbs I have on hand.
  • A happy, content, slightly crazy, well-exercised, well-fed, well-rested dog lying down near my feet
  • All the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated in life!
  • Friends who are like family, and family who are like awesome friends.
  • A husband who is consistent, steady, and so reliable; who is the calm when life storms.
  • My happy little things around me that I like: 
    • a dropper jar of colloidal silver; 
    • Jarret's little happy cat toy stuffed animal; 
    • the CORDED phone I bought myself today so I would always have a phone to answer IN ONE PLACE when it rings;
    • herbal hand cream that smells soooo good
    • a recipe for Master Tonic that I'm excited to make!
    • leaves that Jaiden brought me several weeks ago, and are still next to my desk, being appreciated
    • the origami swan that Erika made today, and which I put on Josiah's bed to greet him, and which made him come running downstairs in smiles and grins to ask me about it
    • the beat-up yellow toy van that I found hidden in the (real-life) Jeep, which was my van when I was a kid, and which the boys played with to the point of its falling apartness
    • my bulletin board that I recently reorganized to better display all the fun things I want to do - all at the same time, all right now!
    • my music. Grateful for my music that I always have on my computer and my laptop and the internet. Whatever my mood, I can find the Music that matches it or lifts me up.
    • The book "Expecting Adam," which is on my desk still, so that I can reference it and write about it at will. It's amazing
  • Excellent, amazing, vibrant health. Knowing, trusting, loving my body. L'chaim, l'chaim, to life!
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    • That Which Is - and Is To Be!

    Today was a day in which I felt a lot of contrast. Contrast is basically a display of things we do NOT like and therefore want to CHANGE.

    In order to accomplish such change (which contrast so generously has helped lead us to), one simply needs to *feel* how it is to *already have* that which one is seeking.

    (And be cautious to feel how it is to *already have* it -- not to feel what it's like to just *want* it!)

    So a few minutes ago, I decided I'd go on a Rampage of Appreciation and Visualization of That Which Is to Be (and Thus Already Is in Vibration.) I grabbed my stash of colorful markers; a big piece of white construction paper, and just went to town.

    I drew all kinds of things that make me happy - things that I already have and am thankful for, and things that I simply want to bring into my sphere of experience by feeling them emotionally until they manifest physically.

    My drawings and words on the poster board are simple and clear - meaningful to me and to anyone who is on the same wavelength/vibration as I. I drew and wrote like a child: From the heart, for no one else but me.

    It was so fun!

    I wrote and drew about music, and dancing, and a happy home, and space to grow and flourish in the happy home. I wrote about my grandmother, whose love and warmth is near me always. Smack-dab in the middle, I plunked down my vibrational match for safe, fun astral travel, which I envision myself doing whenever I wish.

    It was great fun to write and draw about that which I love, that which I want to draw more of, that which I already am in my vibration.

    After my creation, I felt inspired to first write about it here, and then to go hang up some pretty Christmas lights that I bought earlier today. (Even though my family and I don't celebrate Christmas here, I love the soft, warm Christmas lights in Winter.)

    I truly felt as happy and free as when I was a child - drawing, writing - creating freely and care-less-ly.

    I'll be I AM manifesting more here of things that are in alignment with my being. The main idea, as Abraham says, is that no matter where you are, or what you are doing, simply sift through everything you experience, and deliberately focus on that which makes you HAPPY. Ignore that which does not make you happy. That on which you focus is what you will create more of!

    I am wrapping up here, and I will next post a Rampage of Appreciation of all things that I am noticing, in this moment, that I love and want to see more of.

    Peace out!

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Monday, December 6, 2010

    • Listening to Little Grandmother

    There is a Native American Wisdom Keeper whom I enjoy listening to and watching online. Her name is Kiesha Crowther, also known as Little Grandmother.

    Recently in a spirituality group that I attend locally, someone mentioned this latest video by her, which speaks of how the poles will shift in 2012 - and how this shift will bring about heaven on earth. I found it wonderful to watch, and wanted to share it here. The message is simple: Live in love, and you will journey with Mother Earth:

    Kiesha speaks on 2012 from kedarvideo on Vimeo.

    And here's another great Q&A by her:

    Q & A with Kiesha Crowther from kedarvideo on Vimeo.

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Sunday, December 5, 2010

    • Achieving Higher Cruising Altitude

    This blog exists in large part so that I can happily acknowledge all that is manifesting in my life as I bring myself to a higher vibration.

    So here's where I'm at today:

    All in all, I definitely feel as though I'm raising myself up. It feels like, generally speaking, I'm at a higher vibration now than I was even a few months ago. I like to think of it as hitting a higher cruising altitude. I still encounter turbulence here and there, but all in all, my energy is UP. The things that could get me down are fewer, and when they do get me down, it is short-lived. It's wonderful to let the past be the past and simply get happy in any given moment.

    Since my dance-a-thon night a week and a half ago, I've been using music and dance at home to consciously raise my vibration by simply dancing and getting HAPPY. The more I'm happy, the more that everything in my life will fall into place. I don't need to know the answers to every confounding situation. I don't need to dwell on odd situations or analyze them or worry about them: I just need to feel HAPPY and let the universe and Law of Attraction do the rest!

    When a situation is less than ideal, I work to consciously feel happy. Sometimes it helps to first briefly acknowledge - verbally - the uncomfortable situation. I can then let it go a little easier; redirect my attention to a happy song, do a little happy dance, and get on with my happy life!

    It's amazing how disgustingly simple this is! And how fun....

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Saturday, December 4, 2010

    • Contemplating the Akashic Records

    Ever since I was a little kid, I always had this instinctive feeling that everything - every little detail of life - was predestined and written down, or somehow known somewhere. At some point, I learned that free will is the birthright of every human being. This totally collided with my internal feeling that All Is Known and Predestined.

    I put aside my instinctive knowledge about predestination, and embraced the idea of Free Will, which I have heard again and again is truly integral to our existence here. However, every now and then I'd hear about the Akashic Records, and it started to resonate with me regarding my initial gut feeling that All is Known/Predestined. Today, I stumbled across a youtube video that, again, mentions the Akashic records. Specifically, it talks about using astral projection as a way to read the Akashic records.

    What are the Akashic Records exactly? Here it's described as, "a theosophical term referring to an universal filing system which records every occurring thought, word, and action....The Akashic Records are the macrocosm of the individual subconscious mind. Both function similarly, they possess thoughts which are never forgotten. The collective subconscious gathers all thoughts from each subconscious mind which can be read by other subconscious minds." These records can be accessed in meditation, via astral projects, or - as Edgar Cayce demonstrated - via a trancelike state.

    I'm intriguted. Totally and completely intrigued. I heard of the Akashic Records long ago and considered them, but I'm really beginning to feel that this may be that instinct I had in side of me from birth - that feeling of All is Known and Exists. I wonder if a feeling of predestination is somehow linked to this. If you consider the concept that time is not linear, then all possible future outcomes exist - somehow, somewhere - and are likely written in the Akashic Records.

    Alas these are my deep thoughts for the day. Enjoy, disregard, or whatnot. Peace out!

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    • A Fun Little Manifestation

    So four days ago, on Sunday, I heard a little piece of a song as background music on TV, and tried to remember the name of the song or, at the very least, the lyrics so I could look it up on Youtube and have a good listen. (Music is my life, remember?)

    I couldn't come up with enough of the lyrics to get it, but it was bugging me. I hummed the tune to a friend to see if she could tell what I was talking about and got a "Yeah, I know what song you mean," but she didn't know the lyrics or title either. (Or, more likely, my lame humming  didn't actually convey the right song.)

    So I searched around for the song: listened to radio stations I don't usually listen to, tried googling the couple of words I *do* remember, etc. It seemed like too much work. Yesterday, I finally said, "OK, I quit looking. I'll just hold the song in my vibration, and let it come to me."

    Alas, today I was watching Tuesday's episode of "Glee" online and what popped up on the screen but one of the glee clubs singing that *very* song I was looking for. I got the song, the lyrics, as many replays as I wanted - basically all the info on the song I was looking for.

    To me, this feels like a simple manifestation. I set the unwavering intent -- hear that song clearly so I could get the lyrics, name, singer, etc. -- and I let go. Poof - the next day, it showed up.

    Have a listen.

    Thanks, Universe! ;)

    (P.S. By the way, I search for "things" in a similar manner: When I can't find an item at home, I finally quit, tell my brain to figure it out while I"m sleeping; go to sleep; and then find it the next day (or remember where it is) within an hour or two of waking up. I have done this many, many times.)

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Sunday, November 28, 2010

    • And More Fun!

    Two days after my evening of Dance Joy, I can still slip right back into the awesomeness of it all in a moment's thought. I feel like I can see everyone's faces crystal clear; I can remember the vibe of it all - the FUN, the freedom, the ease. It's all good but boy was it REALLY good from my place that night.

    Whenever I tap back into that energy of that night through my thought, I know that if I bring that energy into anything else I do, then that which I am doing will be infused with universal love and joy, and will serve my highest good and the highest good of everyone I come into contact with (and, for that matter, everyone on this whole planet).

    In a nutshell, if we all have fun, feel fun, and think fun, we will raise our own vibrations as well as the planet's vibrations as a whole. We will promote emotional/physical healing and world peace.

    How awesome and easy is that? Man this is FUN!!

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Saturday, November 27, 2010

    • Following My Bliss

    Wow do I have a lot to say today!

    To back up a little:

    I've been listening to a lot of Abraham-Hicks lately. (Just youtube Abraham-Hicks to see what I'm talking about.) One of the more recent youtube's I've listened to emphasized follow your bliss. If you don't know "what to do" in life, then follow your bliss, be in alignment with who you truly are, and everything else will fall into place. It has to. That is the Law of Attraction, the Law of the Universe.

    A few days ago - on Wednesday, to be specific - I was feeling "stuck." It's that feeling like when you want to take action to feel better, but your mind can't figure out what it is you need. What to do, what to do, what to do? Frustration, tap fingers, futz around the house, etc... I took a listen to some new Abraham youtubes that I hadn't heard before, and something they said on one of them really clicked: Follow Your Bliss.

    Follow my bliss. Not what I "think" should be my bliss ("motherhood! charity! showing appreciation!") or what "logically" would be a societal bliss ("eating cake! shopping! cleaning the house so it sparkles!") but simply MY OWN BLISS! Or, since bliss is kind of a weird word for me that I wouldn't normally use much, simply stated, "Dude, do things that are WICKED FUN for ME!"

    The game then became: Name That Bliss (a.k.a. Wicked Fun Thing). Name ONE THING that you just LOVE to do! Then do it!!

    So I thought for a couple seconds, and I decided I wanted to go DANCE. At a club, with a dance floor, and a great band. Years ago I used to go dancing ALL the time and it totally rocked! I totally loved it! Other people loved it! There was just fun and bliss and awesomeness abounding on those nights! And you know what? I missed it!!!

    So that was it. On Wednesday, my intent became crystal clear. I looked up local nightlife bars with good dance floors; checked out who was playing; listened to the bands on youtube to find the right fit; and determined where and when (Friday night) I'd be going.

    I told my friends, gathered a small posse (of 1 friend!), set the kids up to hang out with daddy, got properly attired, and hit the town. My goal was simple: Get into the "vortex" and just watch what  the universe lets fall in my lap.

    The night turned out amazing. My friend and I danced practically the entire time. We tore up the dance floor and brought down the house. We met great people. Everything clicked, from finding the best parking space to getting the right table to just becoming part of the right crowd. I completely and totally channeled/flowed Source energy and was in alignment with myself the whole time. We attracted a lot of positive attention; an endless stream of dance partners; and expressions of appreciation and kindness from "strangers" that we actually felt kinship with by the time we left.

    All in all, it was magical.

    And it was just as I had consciously intended it to be. From the very second I decided on Wednesday that this would be an Frickin' Awesome Experience, it was, in its entirety.

    I am grateful to the Universe for fulfilling my intention in such as neat way!

    Dance floor, I'll be back soon. I can hardly wait!!!

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    • Emotions Without a Story

    One of my focuses in recent days has been to really *really* observe my emotions without a story. Different circumstances evoke different emotions - but once I feel something, I focus on the feeling, name it, and take the story away.

    For example, when the house is a mess, often times I look at it and feel, "failure - you are a bad girl for not cleaning up the house and doing your chores. You get a D- for housework. No going out with friends until this pigsty is cleaned up."

    I can attach a whole long story to this - going back to childhood; school (any surprise I was a straight-A honor roll student?); etc. Instead, I'm washing the story away and I'm naming the emotions:


    In one single word, I'd call it: Bad. I feel bad.

    Lucky for me, I'm aware enough to know that this is not the end of my journey. Feeling these emotions is just the beginning.

    Next, it's time to accept and love the feelings that are there. With no story attached, they are lonely little emotions that have no reason to be there. They don't have a leg to stand on. It makes it that much easier now to love them, let them be, and them let them GO. Consciously, I make a tweak in my thinking - I close my eyes and visualize myself in my favorite place - in the mountains, on a hike, at the summit in the summer - and the best feelings come pouring into me.

    I focus on this new, higher vibration. Breathe, breathe, breathe the emotions in.

    Open my eyes. I'm still in my kitchen. There are still objects lying around the countertop, in the sink, on the table, on the floor. But my vibration is still out there on the mountaintop where the best of my self resides and is always available.

    I have shifted my emotions; I have raised my vibration.

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    • Driving in the Fog

    I was out driving in the fog this morning - thick, beautiful, chilly morning fog.

    As I took my time, it occurred to me that driving through fog is a parallel for living in the moment, for being present: You notice all that is around you in the near distance - the exact point of the road you are on, the houses and trees off to the side - but you can't see far ahead or behind you. And in that presence, there is a calm, relaxing peace.

    During the drive, of course, there were patches of no fog - and the contrast was striking. Suddenly I found myself concentrating on the far-ahead of me road rather than on the road right before me. Perhaps a good thing for the sake of safety - yes, I can agree with that - but as a parallel to presence, when we look far down the road into the future, or keep checking our mirrors looking into the past, we miss the flowers and beauty right next to us.

    I choose to always see, appreciate and simply enjoy the flowers and trees beside me.

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    • Peaceful Thoughts on Veteran's Day

    The juxtaposition of war and peace so beautifully explained - especially for those of us who don't think they could ever handle the harshness of war, yet still deeply respect those who do:

    "Veterans are the light at the tip of the candle, illuminating the way for the whole nation. If veterans can achieve awareness, transformation, understanding, and peace, they can share with the rest of society the realities of war. And they can teach us how to make peace with ourselves and each other, so we never have to use violence to resolve conflicts again."
    - Thich Nhat Hanh

    It's amazingly ironic how peace is so often the goal of going to war...

    Also, a message from Abraham, to a light-seeking veteran with a heavy heart:

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    • I Stake My Claim

    Waxing poetic today.

    I Stake My Claim to My Vibration
    Regardless of Others' Thoughts, Comments, or Hairy Eyeballs.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     I express that which I Am!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     And so, when I launch a Rocket of Desire, yet cloud it up with Disbelief,
    there is Dishonesty in my Being, and the Space for Disease
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I Stay in Alignment with my Vibration, Be it What it May!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "Vibration" and "Rocket of Desire" reference the teachings of Abraham.
    Search Abraham-Hicks on Youtube for more examples.

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

    Friday, October 1, 2010

    • Wearing the Inside Out

    And so, the quiet, inner spiritual journey I've embarked upon for the past year or so is now expanding outward.

    I am taking my lessons, meditations, intuitions, feelings, successes, failures, frustrations and sensations, and am bringing it all to the surface, to the world at large.

    In the words of Pink Floyd, I'm wearing the inside out.

    In my own words, I'm taking that which is right now internal, and making it external.

    Like art.

    Let's see where this goes! Step 1: A blog for public consumption.


    Peace out.

    ~  ~  ~  ~  ~