Tuesday, November 23, 2010

• Driving in the Fog

I was out driving in the fog this morning - thick, beautiful, chilly morning fog.

As I took my time, it occurred to me that driving through fog is a parallel for living in the moment, for being present: You notice all that is around you in the near distance - the exact point of the road you are on, the houses and trees off to the side - but you can't see far ahead or behind you. And in that presence, there is a calm, relaxing peace.

During the drive, of course, there were patches of no fog - and the contrast was striking. Suddenly I found myself concentrating on the far-ahead of me road rather than on the road right before me. Perhaps a good thing for the sake of safety - yes, I can agree with that - but as a parallel to presence, when we look far down the road into the future, or keep checking our mirrors looking into the past, we miss the flowers and beauty right next to us.

I choose to always see, appreciate and simply enjoy the flowers and trees beside me.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

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