My friend brought with her Angel cards, as she's recently started working with her angels on a regular basis - asking them questions, feeling their answers, seeking clarity, requesting assistance, and so on - and uses the cards as a tool to help them communicate with her. She let me look through all the cards and accompanying book, and they definitely called to me.
I've talked with my angels a little bit here and there. On some things, I can get answers from them relatively easily via inner guidance. But lately, I've been feeling the nudge to "ask more! ... ask more!" Like most beings in the non-physical, you don't get much assistance if you don't ask!! With feeling, of course - but ask nonetheless!
In this same vein, a few months ago, I started listening to Doreen Virtue's weekly show, Angel Therapy, on Of all the shows on the radio station, her show is the one that I never miss. Something inside keeps nudging me over to the angels... As I sit here and write this now, I realize how plain obvious it is that I need to start talking to them more (and probably get myself a deck of Angel cards to better communicate their messages).
I mean, let's see.... I've been inexplicably drawn to the Angel Therapy radio show for months now; I had a random, "unexpected" Angel card reading a couple weeks ago that reflected my true nature to an absolute T; then odd circumstances brought my friend by with her Angel cards tonight; I've been thinking a lot about angels lately, and have already started journaling my questions to them and even some of their answers. So OK, OK, I get the message. Ramp it up a notch on the Angel Communication front.
Alright, I'm off to go check out some Angel cards on Really, I want to get my butt into a bookstore though so I can hold each deck in my hands and really *feel* what I'm choosing. Angels, can you arrange something like that for me in the near future? Like, tomorrow? Thanks much! xoxox
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