- My delicious, warm, homemade looseleaf tea from the plethora of delicious dried herbs I have on hand.
- A happy, content, slightly crazy, well-exercised, well-fed, well-rested dog lying down near my feet
- All the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated in life!
- Friends who are like family, and family who are like awesome friends.
- A husband who is consistent, steady, and so reliable; who is the calm when life storms.
- My happy little things around me that I like:
- a dropper jar of colloidal silver;
- Jarret's little happy cat toy stuffed animal;
- the CORDED phone I bought myself today so I would always have a phone to answer IN ONE PLACE when it rings;
- herbal hand cream that smells soooo good
- a recipe for Master Tonic that I'm excited to make!
- leaves that Jaiden brought me several weeks ago, and are still next to my desk, being appreciated
- the origami swan that Erika made today, and which I put on Josiah's bed to greet him, and which made him come running downstairs in smiles and grins to ask me about it
- the beat-up yellow toy van that I found hidden in the (real-life) Jeep, which was my van when I was a kid, and which the boys played with to the point of its falling apartness
- my bulletin board that I recently reorganized to better display all the fun things I want to do - all at the same time, all right now!
- my music. Grateful for my music that I always have on my computer and my laptop and the internet. Whatever my mood, I can find the Music that matches it or lifts me up.
- The book "Expecting Adam," which is on my desk still, so that I can reference it and write about it at will. It's amazing
- Excellent, amazing, vibrant health. Knowing, trusting, loving my body. L'chaim, l'chaim, to life!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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