Wednesday, April 20, 2011

• Affirmations

I started watching Louse Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" movie, and it was a good reminder to do more affirmations - to do mental reps of affirmations for your mind and soul just like you do physical reps for the body.

I like coming up with my own affirmations. Today, I wrote one down on an index card and have been repeating it thought the day, doing my "mental reps." It reads:

I Am Willing to Change my Patterns.

I kept it simple and open on purpose. I have a few little goals -- to get more sleep and feel more rested; to have a little bit more of a self-created structure that helps *me* and thus everyone around me just flow through the day a little better -- and those goals will be more easily achieved once I break out of old patterns that aren't serving my highest good anymore.

It's small and simple, but a good place to start. Just thought I'd share!


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Saturday, April 16, 2011

• How Total Health is Achieved

Yesterday, I wrote about how you need to feel good 70 percent of the time to achieve total health.

I want to expand more on the idea of bodily health.

The overall health of your body is directly related to your vibration - that is, your energy running through your body, spirit, emotions and complete Self. Any issue that your body expresses is indicative of something in your energy field that is not in alignment with your true self and heart-felt desires. We should always *thank* issues that arise for showing us that something is "off" within our vibration.

So how to we get from illness to health? And how do beliefs and healing remedies fit into this picture?

It's kinda like this:

First off, something in our vibration gets off kilter. As a result, we develop some type of physical symptoms.

If we are aware of this, we listen to our body, and try to hear what the symptoms are telling us. Even if we can't figure it out, we start to seek ways to achieve physical wellness.

Some people turn to Western medicines for an answer; others turn to herbal and naturpathic remedies; some may seek chiropractic treatment, and still others may simply opt for energetic healing.

All are perfectly valid in their own way. And, that which you choose -- that which resonates as working BEST for you and your body -- will be in alignment with who YOU are.

If you have aligned yourself with healing, then you will seek a therapy that is -- for you personally -- energetically in alignment with that healing. It may be a pharmaceutical drug or it may be an herbal therapy. Either way, that therapy will have an energetic vibration/frequency of its own, and will resonate with something in your own vibration, and due to this resonance and belief in the remedy, it WORKS. It resonates with you, you believe in it (consciously or, most likely, subconsciously), and thus it does what you think it should do.

Different remedies have different vibrations, however. Most pharmaceutical drugs are of a lower vibration than herbal remedies. But if your vibration matches the vibration of that drug, then it WILL WORK for you. As you raise your own vibration, you'll find you can't tolerate those drugs anymore and won't be drawn to them. Instead, you'll be drawn to herbs, chiropractic, traditional Chinese medicine, energetic healing, etc. -- anything that then matches your new, higher vibration. And, as per Law of Attraction, that therapy which is in alignment with your vibration and INTENTION will show up for you.

Again, because you BELIEVE in the treatment and *match it in vibration* -- it will work for you! Keep in mind, a lot of these beliefs are also subconscious, but they rise to your conscious mind, especially when you need them most.

Now if you have a deep-seated subconscious belief that you are unaware of, then the treatments you seek WON'T work because you are actually still stuck in that belief and its accompanying vibration. To break free, you can use EFT, ho'oponopono, or simply focus on raising your vibration by thinking good thoughts (and thus being in the vortex) 70 percent of the time or more.

So let's all heal ourselves as WE each know best. We each listen to our OWN bodies, and seek the therapies that resonate best with our highest Self.,

And remember that as we heal our selves, we heal each other and we heal our world. Peace to all!

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• Be Happy (at least!) 70 Percent of the Time

I was listening to Abraham-Hicks on Hay House Radio this afternoon, and Abraham said something that was very interesting: He said that in order to have perfect physical health, you need to be in the vortex 70 percent of the time. The person asking the question was saying, "Well I'm happy and grateful " and blah blah blah - but Abraham pointed out: Check in with yourself carefully, and notice how often you are *not* in the vortex. If you were in the vortex at least 70 percent of the time, all your physical ills would be gone.

Interesting! Finally, a measurable number that my left brain can process!

Seventy percent of the time, I need to be in the vortex. OK - so I decided to get to work.

First off, I realize how easy it was to be OUT of the vortex. Heck, I think I was out of the vortex most of the day! I sure as heck wasn't in the vortex trying to get out the door with the kids in tow this morning. I wasn't in the vortex when my baby boy was crawling over me and all I wanted to do was rest. I wasn't in the vortex when I was stressing about my "to do" list.

So hmmmm.... how much was I really IN the vortex?

I made it a challenge. I decided to become VERY aware of my thoughts and accompanying feelings, and to consciously and deliberately move myself INTO the vortex whenever I noticed I was slipping away from it.

To do so, I chose specific happy thoughts. My simplest happy thought is of hiking in the woods: I close my eyes, and pretend I'm on a trail in the summertime or hiking above treeline in the fall. At any rate, the key is to FEEL the joy that I feel when I am hiking in the woods.

Done! Mission accomplished!

But then, a few minutes later, I had myself a crying kid on my hands, which can trigger my own inner upset. I made a conscious effort to stay centered and to shield myself energetically from my child's upset, so that I am centered myself and can take better care of him. I again deliberately chose happy thoughts so that I could FEEL happy - genuine Joy -- as soon as possible.

Then, I began to notice things I can simply be GRATEFUL for -- the green grass, the breeze, my children playing happily in the yard -- and even very, very simple things: fresh milk and a glass to drink it in, a cozily warm jacket for when the evening turns cool, bicycles for the kids to ride, the random puddle in the driveway that provide the kids with hours of amusement.

The more I focused on HAPPY thoughts, the better I felt, and the more momentum my happiness gained.

By the time evening rolled around, I was somewhat of a silly, giggily mess. And I could easily get to my "happy place" (mostly) regardless of the commotion around me.

And so now my next missions: To keep practicing this consciously EVERY day!

Let's see how this goes...
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

• Speeding Up Manifestations

I "stumbled" across some youtube videos today of JZ Knight. She's been channeling Ramtha since 1977. I vaguely remember hearing of this when I was a teen in the 80s and 90s, but now it all makes sooo much more sense.

There's a ton of neat stuff in the videos (for the links to the videos, see April 2011 on my Reading List page), but a couple things jumped out at me and made me want to mention the ideas here. JZ talked about the "typical" LoA stuff, like you have to be a vibrational match to that which you want in order to manifest it, but what she *also* said that was really neat is that in order to speed up manifestation, you need to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION.

Hmmm now there's an interesting thougt. Focus on your desire, feel its presence before it's technically arrived, and then simply RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. Very cool. And isn't that what this whole project of mine here is all about?!

JZ Knight on Creating Your Reality

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

• I Love You I Love You I Love You

Our thoughts create our realities, yes? So try this:

Start an ongoing background mantra in your mind of "I love you I love you I love you" repeating itself, incessantly. Now, go about your day, and see how things appear.

I'm trying this now; thus far, I've noticed that even though I have an *opinion* on things, I can't *judge* them harshly because I keep saying, "I love you" to the thing I'm trying to judge, and in order to condemn something, you have to take love *away* from the situation. And actively I'm using my mind to keep re-introducing love into the situation.

Instead of reading my babbling about this technique (which, basically, is an off-shoot of Ho'oponopono -- but perhaps just abbreviated?), just go DO it yourself -- starting ... right.... NOW!

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you....

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